Adding photos to an app
The preferred method of submitting photos to the BirdsEye apps is to upload files to If copyright restrictions only allow photos to be shown in a specific app, or product, you can send them to us in the following format.
Photos are stored on our server with a name based on the Taxon ID.
For example, if you have a photo of an adult Lesser Rhea, the file will be named with the formula:
taxonid-plumage-#. jpg
e.g. 000005-909-1.jpg
– The taxon ID always needs to be 6 characters long.
– Each file name needs to be unique, and you can use it to specify the order you want photos to appear in the app.
Once you have some files ready for the app, you can send them to me to check that the formatting is correct.
We can display photos of any size, but we prefer portrait orientation, and the ratio we recommend is 1:1.25 (minimum 576 x 720 pixels).
PlumageID | Short Description | Long description |
2 | Do not use | |
100 | Adult male in alternate plumage | DA m: alternate adult male |
101 | Adult male in worn alternate plumage | DA m: worn alternate adult male |
103 | Adult male molting | PB m: adult male molting into basic |
104 | Adult male in basic plumage | DB m: basic adult male |
109 | Adult male | D m: adult male |
112 | First fall / formative male | F1 m: first fall / formative male |
169 | Immature male | Imm m: immature male |
179 | Subadult male | SubA m: subadult male |
199 | Male | Male |
200 | Adult female in alternate plumage | DA f: alternate adult female |
201 | Adult female in worn alternate plumage | DA f: worn alternate adult female |
204 | Adult female in basic plumage | DB f: basic adult female |
203 | Adult female molting | PB f: adult female molting into basic |
209 | Adult female | D f: adult female |
212 | First fall / formative female | F1 f: first fall / formative female |
269 | Immature female | Imm f: immature female |
279 | Subadult female | SubA f: subadult female |
299 | Female | Female |
399 | Female or immature | female or immature |
809 | Adult domestic/feral type | adult domestic type |
869 | Immature domestic/feral type | immature domestic type |
900 | Adult in alternate plumage | DA: alternate adult |
901 | Adult in worn alternate plumage | DA: worn alternate adult |
904 | Adult in basic plumage | DB: basic adult |
909 | Adult | D: adult |
409 | Adult male and female | Adult male and female |
903 | Adult molting | PB: adult molting into basic |
910 | First cycle in alternate plumage | A1: 1st cycle alternate |
918 | First cycle in supplemental plumage | S1: 1s cycle supplemental |
912 | First cycle in formative plumage | F1: first fall / formative |
915 | First cycle in worn formative plumage | B1: worn 1st cycle basic |
914 | Juvenile | B1: 1st cycle basic |
920 | Second cycle in alternate plumage | A2: 2nd cycle alternate |
924 | Second cycle in basic plumage | B2: 2nd cycle basic |
930 | Third cycle in alternate plumage | A3: 3rd cycle alternate |
934 | Third cycle in basic plumage | B3: 3rd cycle basic |
960 | Subadult in alternate plumage | subadult alternate |
964 | Subadult in basic plumage | subadult basic |
969 | Immature | immature |
989 | Downy young | Downy young |
990 | Nest or Egg | Nest or Egg |
999 | Unknown | unknown |