Basic order of operations for accepting new photos into the database, which is usually done every few days, or more often as time allows
- Check for new contributors and send them a thank you email.
- Scan all incoming photos for errors, including identification, age/sex, and duplicates.
- ID and age/sex errors can be corrected by clicking the photo number (on the right) and making the changes
- Select all duplicates and archive them
- Archive any photos that are not appropriate for BirdsEye
- Select and accept all photos intended for Web Only. This should include all photos of common species that are not of great quality or photos that are of particularly poor quality, unless it is for a new species for the database or is significant in some way. Use your best judgment.
- Now you should be down to all the good photos. Select all and then go through the photos one last time and de-select the 10-20 very best photos. Accept all of the other photos as Apps and Web. Then select the last batch of the very best photos and select them as Apps and Web. This ensures that the best photos are the first things that people see when they visit the photo site.
- If you have the time, occasionally visiting the site and accepting a handful of the best photos is a good idea. It keeps the photo website interesting for visiting customers.
Email Form Letter
Thank you so much for the photo submissions!
Would you be interested in a free annual BirdsEye subscription to any particular region (continent)?
BirdsEye photo editor
Absolutely! All you need to do is follow the instructions on this page to redeem the promo code below and select the “[INSERT REGION NAME]” region:
Promo code: photosite20151
Thanks again for your photos and please let me know if you need any help with downloading the app and registering!
BirdsEye photo editor