Best Bird Photos From May
Every day, BirdsEye users submit beautiful bird photos from around the world. The images are verified and incorporated into our apps to help our users better identify species as they birdwatch. The following images are a collection of our staff’s favorite pics submitted to our site in May 2020.
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Long-tailed Shrike, Richard Jeffers Yellow-rumped Warbler, Brian Avent Eastern Meadowlark, Tony Heindel African Green-Pigeon, Richard Lowe Spotted Redshank, Richard Jeffers Harris’s Sparrow, Bob Neugenbauer Canyon Wren, Leonardo Garrigues Stresemann’s Bush-Crow, Richard Jeffers White-browed Sparrow-Weaver, Richard Lowe Tree Swallow, Jim Werkowski Pallas’s Fish-Eagle, Richard Jeffers